Have you ever planted a seed?
Perhaps, if you have, you will remember what it was like. You will remember the scent of the earth, the dark, deep, richness of it. You will remember the earth parting as you dug a hole. And you will remember looking down at the palm of your hand, where that tiny new life lay. And finally you will remember how it felt when you dropped that seed into the earth and covered it up again.
And thus begins a new life, one that you may have started but cannot be fully responsible for, for its journey is beyond your control.
So is life.
Within us our hearts are a deep, rich, and fertile ground. And many times in our lives we are given a seed, handed to us by the Creator Himself. But it is up to us to plant it.
And slowly that seed begins to grow, if we nurture it. It starts small and fragile and weak. It can be easily crushed or drowned or lose it’s strength. And if we are not constantly nurturing it, keeping it away from evils like the weeds or creatures that would eat it up before it has even pushed its roots deep enough in the earth to stay strong, it will perish.
Life itself is bent on destroying us, for we live in a fallen world. The storms come, and they push and pull and pound upon us. And sometimes we are bent and broken, for if our faith is not strong we cannot remain strong against the trials in life.
Should you find yourself broken, bent, beaten beyond repair, should you find your face in the dust, should you find your heart thirsty and dry, remember that you are not alone. The Creator is there, he sees, he knows, and perhaps these trials he has allowed you to endure is so you may grow stronger. For as the wind pulls and pushes against you, and the rain beats upon you, you adapt and you grow more resilient.
Dear Young One, remember, this life is not the end. It is only the beginning. What you endure here, whatever trials you may face, they are so very little compared to the everlasting joy of eternity. They are as that seed is compared to all the rest of the world.
You will be hurt, this I know. There will be times when that pain will wrap around you and suffocate you so that you will forget what it even felt like to breathe. But you are not alone. You are never alone. And that pain that you feel will not last forever, no matter what it may feel like at the moment. Stay strong, for you are created for a purpose. Believe, and when you forget who you are and why you are here, lift your head to the sky. For when the clouds obscure the sun, know that it is there, and it will shine again. It always does.
You are not alone, and you were created for such a time as this.