They are strong, the healers. Bravest of hearts are they, wisest and most noble of souls. They carry power in their words, and strength in their hearts, and wisdom in their minds. And they go about opening their beautiful hearts and scooping up all that beautiful love and filling up so many empty cups. And…
Imagine yourself falling, slowly, and the world around you is a swirl of brilliant colors. And the wind is caressing your skin, and you draw in an icy breath, and it feels as if you are breathing for the very first time. You close your eyes, slowly, and you let gravity pull you down, and…
Beautiful Creatures
We are beautiful creatures. Some of us dream that we are lost, turning around and around inside our minds. Our hands touch the stone of our walls, our fingers caress the memories we long to forget. Our eyes are closed, and we go around and around. Lost. Some of us dream that we are afraid,…
The Choice
My world is a circle, in which I find myself searching for relevance. And I, amidst the swirl of colors, am but a heart of questions. I think perhaps, that in search of my answers, I desire to be found. And therefore I shout, “I am lost!” and wonder if all along I have been…
Fake it ’till you make it?
“Fake it ’til you make it.” Does that phrase sound familiar? It’s late at night, I’m lying in my bed, and I just had a revelation. What if it’s not about faking it? I mean hear me out now. How many of y’all have had a really bad day, like a woke-up-with-a-toothache, spilled-coffee-on-your-shirt, late-for-work kinda…
A man of Yahweh
(A poem) As wise as a serpent, Yet harmless as doves, Strengthened by boldness, But softened by love. As fierce as a lion, Innocent as a child, Ready for action, But not easily riled. As swift as a river, Yet gentle as the breeze, Steady and unshaken, But brought to his knees. As wise as…
Hold Me Tight
(A poem) Spinning, spinning, Never stopping This world of dark and night I grasp and hold But it all turns cold That which was the light My silent soul Has lost its goal From death and constant fight I now let go My tears will show Please just hold me tight
Forgotten Crowns
( A short story) It’s five minutes past ten, I’m exhausted, and I’ve managed to survive another late night shift without completely falling apart. The person staring back at me in the mirror of the women’s bathroom looks nothing like me. My hair is a mess of frizzy curls, my eyes smudged with too much…
The Girl to the World
(A short story) “I’m happy,” says the girl to the world. She wears a smile, there’s a spring in her step, and her heart is full. No mountain is too high to climb, no ocean too far to swim, and she’s not afraid of the shadows. She’s fearless. How beautiful is the world! It promises…